Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sentier de Capio

I add a rock to the cairn atop Sentier de Capio.

We did another 1,200 hike today, this time up 2,100 foot Sentier de Capio, another mountain that surrounds Quillan. Unlike yesterday’s straight-up climb, Capio’s was a more gentle slope but lots of boulders near the top. Again, we had to decipher the trail blazes that kept changing colors because several trails were using the same paths.
This was the trail we couldn’t finish last year when we got lost in the village of Ginoles. Since then they’ve added more directional signs.

 Quillan seen from our walk up the mountain.
Wikiloc helped keep us on the right paths, even though it disagreed with the signage at times.
Today’s forecast is for rain, possible snow, all day. Our hike might be postponed until tomorrow.
Happy Valentine’s Day. We plan to spend it looking at a potential house in Quillan and lunch at a restaurant recommended to us. Certainly, chocolate and wine will be involved.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day you guys. What a perfect way to spend it.

  2. Chocolate and wine - it couldn't get any better!

  3. Just Me, It was quite the hike.
    Sillygirl, Yes, the epitome of a French Valentine's Day.
